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Updated List of Publications

    For an updated list of publications, go to my Google Scholar profile here

Publications in Indexed Journals (JCR)

  1. Portalés, C., Casanova-Salas, P., Sevilla, J., Sebastián, J., León, A., & Samper, J. J., 2022. Increasing Access to Cultural Heritage Objects from Multiple Museums through Semantically-Aware Maps. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 11(4).
  2. Molina, G., Gimeno, J., Portalés, C., & Casas, S., 2022. A comparative analysis of two immersive virtual reality systems in the integration and visualization of natural hand interaction. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 81(6), 7733-7758.
  3. Sevilla, J., Casanova-Salas, P., Casas, S. & Portalés, C., 2021. Multi-Purpose Ontology-Based Visualization of Spatio-Temporal Data: A Case Study on Silk Heritage, Applied Sciences, 11(4).
  4. Portalés, C., Pérez, M., Casanova-Salas, P. & Gimeno, J., 2021. Virtual Loom: a tool for the interactive 3D representation of historical fabrics, in Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1-26.
  5. Pérez, M., Casanova-Salas, P., Twardo, P., Twardo, P., León, A., Mladenic, D., Massri, B.M., Troncy, R., Ehrhart, T., Lo Cicero, G., Vitella, M., Gaitán, M., Gimeno, J., Ribes, E., Fernández, M., Portalés, C., 2021. From Historical Silk Fabrics to Their Interactive Virtual Representation and 3D Printing, Sustainability, 12(18).
  6. Benavent, X., de Ves, E., Forte, A., Botella-Mascarell, C., López-Iñesta, E., Rueda, S., Roger, S., Perez, J., Portalés, C., Dura, E., García-Costa, D. & Marzal, P., 2020. Girls4STEM: Gender Diversity in STEM for a Sustainable Future. Sustainability, 12, 6051.
  7. Gaitán, M., Portalés, C., Sevilla, J., & Alba, E., 2020. Applying Axial Symmetries to Historical Silk Fabrics: SILKNOW’s Virtual Loom. Symmetry, 12(5), 742.
  8. Casas-Yrurzum, S., Portalés-Ricart, C., Morillo-Tena, P. and Cruz-Neira, C., 2020. On the Objective Evaluation of Motion Cueing in Vehicle Simulations, in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
  9. García-Pereira, I., Portalés, C., Gimeno, J. & Casas, S., 2020. A collaborative augmented reality annotation tool for the inspection of prefabricated buildings. Multimedia Tools and Applications 79, 6483–6501.
  10. Casas, S., Portalés, C., Morillo, P. & Fernández, M. 2020. To Move or Not to Move? Analyzing Motion Cueing in Vehicle Simulators by Means of Massive Simulations. Virtual Reality.
  11. Portalés, C., Casanova-Salas, P., Casas, S., Gimeno, J. & Fernández, M. 2019. An Interactive Cameraless Projector Calibration Method. Virtual Reality.
  12. Gimeno, J., Casas, S., Portalés, C. & Frenández, M. 2019. Un nuevo sistema de Realidad Aumentada para la supervisión in situ de maquinaria con sistema SCADA. Revista DYNA.
  13. Boj, C., Díaz, D.J., Portalés, C. & Casas, S., 2018. Video Games and Outdoor Physical Activity for the Elderly: Applications of the HybridPLAY Technology. Applied Sciences 8(10), 1912.
  14. Casas, S., Portalés, C., Gimeno, J. & Fernández, M. 2018. Simulation of parallel mechanisms for motion cueing generation in vehicle simulators using AM-FM bi-modulated signals. Mechatronics, 53, 251-261.
  15. Portalés, C., Orduña, J.M., Morillo, P. & Gimeno, J. 2018. An efficient projector calibration method for projecting virtual reality on cylindrical surfaces. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1-15.
  16. Portalés, C., Casas, S., Gimeno, S., Fernández, M. & Poza, M., 2018. From the Paper to the Tablet: On the Design of an AR-Based Tool for the Inspection of Pre-Fab Buildings. Preliminary Results of the SIRAE Project. Sensors, 18(4), 1262.
  17. Casas, S., Portalés, C., Morillo, P. & Fernández, M., 2018. A Particle Swarm Approach for Tuning Washout Algorithms in Vehicle Simulators. Applied Soft Computing, 68, 125-135.
  18. Gimeno, J., Portalés, C., Coma, I., Fernández, M., & Martínez, B., 2017. Combining Traditional and Indirect Augmented Reality for Indoor Crowded Environments. A Case Study on the Casa Batlló Museum. Computers & Graphics, 69, 92-103.
  19. Casas, S., Portalés, C., Rueda, S., & Fernández, M., 2017. Simulación de Plataformas Robóticas de Movimiento para Aplicaciones de Realidad Virtual Mediante Filtros Digitales. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial (RIAI), 14(4), 455-466.
  20. Casas, S., Coma, I., Portalés, C., & Fernández, M., 2017. Optimization of 3-DOF parallel motion devices for low-cost vehicle simulators. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing, 11(2), JAMDSM0023-JAMDSM0023. doi:10.1299/jamdsm.2017jamdsm0023.
  21. Casas, S., Portalés, C., Riera, J.V. & Fernández, M., 2016. Heurísticas para el Ajuste de Algoritmos de Control de Plataformas Robóticas de Movimiento en Simuladores. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial, (14)2, 193-204.
  22. Casas, S., Coma, I., Portalés, C. & Fernández, M., 2016. Towards a simulation-based tuning of motion cueing algorithms. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 67, 137-154.
  23. Díaz, D., Boj, C., & Portalés, C., 2016. HybridPLAY: A New Technology to Foster Outdoors Physical Activity, Verbal Communication and Teamwork. Sensors, 16(4), 586.
  24. Portalés, C., Ribes, E., Pastor, B. and Gutiérrez, A., 2015. Calibration of a camera-projector monochromatic system. The Photogrammetric Record 30(149): 82-89.
  25. Portalés, C., Ribes-Gómez, E., 2015. An image-based system to preliminary assess the quality of grape harvest batches on arrival at the winery. Computers in Industry 68: 105-115.
  26. Portalés, C., Orduña, J.M. and Morillo, P., 2015. Parallelization of a method for dense 3D object reconstruction in structured light scanning. The Journal of Supercomputing 71: 1857-1868.
  27. Lerma, J. L., Cabrelles, M. and Portales, C., 2011. Multitemporal thermal analysis to detect moisture on a building façade. Construction and Building Materials 25(5): 2190-2197.
  28. Portalés, C., M. J. Viñals, et al., 2010. AR-Immersive Cinema at the Aula Natura Visitors Center. IEEE MultiMedia 17(4): 8-15.
  29. Portalés, C., J. L. Lerma, et al., 2010. Augmented reality and photogrammetry: A synergy to visualize physical and virtual city environments. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 65(1): 134-142.
  30. Portalés, C., Boronat, N. Pardo-Pascual, J. E. and Balaguer-Beser, A., 2010. Seasonal precipitation interpolation at the Valencia region with multivariate methods using geographic and topographic information. International Journal of Climatology 30(10): 1547-1563.
  31. Portalés, C., J. L. Lerma, et al., 2009. Photogrammetry and augmented reality for cultural heritage applications. The Photogrammetric Record 24(128): 316-331.
  32. Seguí, A.E., Lerma, J.L., Navarro, S. and Portalés, C., 2009. On-the-fly server-based aerial imagery management system. The Photogrammetric Record 24(127): 280-294.
  33. Lerma García, J. L., J. Vidal and C. Portalés Ricart, 2004. Three-Dimensional City Model Visualisation for Real-Time Guided Museum Tours, The Photogrammetric Record, 19(108): 360-374.

Monographs, Books & Book Chapters

  1. Portalés, C., Casas, S., Vera, L. & Sevilla, J., 2020. Current Trends on the Acquisition, Virtual Representation, and Interaction of Cultural Heritage: Exploring Virtual and Augmented Reality and Serious Games, In Recent Advances in 3D Imaging, Modeling and Reconstruction
  2. Casas, S., Gimeno, J., Casanova-Salas, P., Riera, J.V. & Portalés, C., 2020. Virtual and Augmented Reality for the Visualization of Summarized Information in Smart Cities: A Use Case for the City of Dubai. In Smart Systems Design, Applications, and Challenges.
  3. Gimeno, J., Casas, S., Portalés C., 2018. A Mobile Augmented Reality System for Enhancing Electrical Machine Supervision. In Advanced Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis of Electric Machines
  4. García-Pereira, I., Vera, L., Pérez Aixendri, M., Portalés, C. & Casas, S., 2020. Multisensory Experiences in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Interaction Paradigms. In Smart Systems Design, Applications, and Challenges.
  5. García-Pereira, I., Portalés, C., Casas, S., Vidal-González, M. & Gimeno, J., 2019. Augmented Reality-Based Training Systems for Teaching Health and Safety Procedures in Construction. In Emerging Technologies in Virtual Learning Environments.
  6. Casas, S., Portalés, C., & Fernández, M., 2019. To Move or Not to Move?: The Challenge of Including Believable Self-Motion Cues in Virtual Reality Applications–Understanding Motion Cueing Generation in Virtual Reality. In Cases on Immersive Virtual Reality Techniques (pp. 124-144).
  7. Casas, S., Portalés, C., Vera, L., Riera, J.V. 2018. On the Use of Virtual and Augmented Mirrors for Mental Health Treatment. In Virtual and Augmented Reality in Mental Health Treatment
  8. Portalés, C., Casas, S., Kreuzer, K. 2018. Challenges and Trends in Home Automation. Addressing the Interoperatibility Problem with the Open-source Platform OpenHAB. In Harnessing the Internet of Everything (IoE) for Accelerated Innovation Opportunities
  9. Casas, S., Portalés, C., García-Pereira, I., Gimeno, J. 2019. Mixing Different Realities in a Single Shared Space. Analysis of Mixed-Platform Collaborative Shared Spaces. In Harnessing the Internet of Everything (IoE) for Accelerated Innovation Opportunities
  10. Portalés, C., Casas, S., Vera, L., & Sevilla, J., 2020. Current Trends on the Acquisition, Virtual Representation and Interaction of Cultural Heritage: Exploring Virtual and Augmented Reality, and Serious Games. In S. P. RM & N. S. Kumar (Eds.), Emerging Trends in 3D Image Reconstruction and Modeling: IGI-Global. Under Review.
  11. Herrera, G., Vera, L., Sevilla, J., Portalés, C., & Casas, S., 2017. On the development of VR and AR learning contents for Children on the Autism Spectrum: From real requirements to virtual scenarios. In G. R. Ruiz & M. H. Hernández (Eds.), Augmented Reality for Enhanced Learning Environments. Under Review.
  12. Cristina Portalés, Sergio Casas, Pau Alonso-Monasterio and María José Viñals, 2017. Multi-Dimensional Acquisition, Representation and Interaction of Cultural Heritage Tangible Assets. An Insight on Tourism Applications. Book: Technological Developments for Cultural Heritage and eTourism Applications. IGI-Global. (In Press).
  13. Cristina Portalés, Jesús Gimeno, Sergio Casas, Ricardo Olanda and Francisco Giner, 2016. Interacting with Augmented Reality Mirrors. Chapter 9, pp. 216-244. Book: Handbook of Research on Human-Computer Interfaces, Developments, and Applications. Editors: João Rodrigues, Pedro Cardoso, Jânio Monteiro and Mauro Figueiredo. IGI-Global.
  14. Cristina Portalés, 2014. Augmented Mirrors for entertainment and edutainment. Ed.: Bubok Publishing S.L. 60 p. ISBN (paper): 978-84-686-6064-6; ISBN (digital): 978-84-686-6065-3.
  15. Cristina Portalés, 2009. Entornos multimedia de realidad aumentada en el campo del arte. Ed.: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. 508 p. ISBN: 978-84-692-1663-7.
  16. M. J. Martínez De Pisón, F. Sanmartín, A. Carbonell, D. Furió, S. Cuesta, L. Rodríguez, C. Portalés, M. Mañas, F. Giner, T. Gracia, L. Silvestre, C. Garcia, and D. Piqueras, 2006. Especulaciones a un Tiempo. Ed.: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. 90 p. ISBN: 84-7721-328-3.
  17. Cristina Portalés, 2006. Existe un Univserso Reflejo si y sólo si el Universo es igual a la Intersección entre las Personas con la Unión de las Dimensiones Espacio y Tiempo. Laboratorio de Luz. Especulaciones a un Tiempo. Ed.: Consejería de Educación y Cultura. Centro Párraga. 97-110. ISBN: 978-84-606-3911-4.

Collaboration in academic books

  1. Ángel Balaguer Beser, 2006. Prácticas de Ecuaciones Diferenciales con Mathematica. Aplicaciones (Type of collaobration: Examples of the book).
  2. Karl Kraus, 2001. Photogrammetry, Volume 1. Fundamentals and Standard Processes (Type of collaobration: Examples of the book).

Academic works

  1. Cristina Portalés, 2008. Entornos Multimedia de Realidad Aumentada en el Campo del Arte PDF. Doctoral Thesis. Supervisors: María José Martínez de Pisón Ramón & José Luís Lerma. Department of Painting, Fine Arts School (UPV).
  2. Cristina Portalés , 2006. Live LEGO House v-1.0. Technical report. Supervisor: Adrian David Cheok.
    Mixed Reality Lab (National University of Sinagpore).
  3. Cristina Portalés, 2004. Geostatistical approaches for the rainfall interpolation in the Comunidad Valenciana (Spain). PDF. Research work for “Diploma de Estudios Avanzados”. Supervisors: Josep Pardo Pascual & Angel Balaguer Beser. Dpto. de Ingeniería Cartográfica Geodesia y Fotogrametría (UPV).
  4. Cristina Portalés, 2002. Georeferencing of GPS/INS-Supported Airborne Multispectral Scanner Data. PDF. Diploma Thesis "Master on Surveying and Geoinformation". Supervisors: Prof. Karl Kraus & Dr. Christine Ries. Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (TU-WIEN).
  5. Cristina Portalés & Teresa Alós, 2000. Creation of a 3D Photo-Model. PDF. Final Year Project in Topography. Supervisor: Franz Rottensteiner. Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (TU-WIEN).


Conference Proceedings and Posters

  1. Pérez, M.; Casanova, P.; Portalés, C.; Gimeno, J. Virtual Loom, from Historical Fabrics to Interactive 3D Models. In: Montagud, Mario; Cesar, Pablo; Fernández, Sergi; Garcia-Pineda, Miguel; Gutiérrez, Jesús; Cernigliaro, Gianluca; et al. (2020): Adjunct Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences (IMX) 2020.
  2. Alba Pagán, E., Fernández, M., Gaitán, M., León, A., Portalés, C., Sebastián, J. and Sevilla, J., 2019. Techonological tools for the conservation of silk Heritage: Improving the conservation of European religious textile cultural Heritage. ESRARC 2019 11th European on Religious Art, Restoration and Conservation, p. 150-156.
  3. Gaitán, M., Alba, E., León, A., Pérez, M., Sevilla, J., & Portalés, C., 2019. Towards the Preservation and Dissemination of Historical Silk Weaving Techniques in the Digital Era. Heritage, 2(3), 1892-1911.
  4. Portalés, C., Sevilla, J., Pérez, M. & León, A., 2019. A Proposal to Model Ancient Silk Weaving Techniques and Extracting Information from Digital Imagery - Ongoing Results of the SILKNOW Project. International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS). CORE A
  5. Sevilla, J., Portalés, C., Gimeno, J. and Sebastián, J. , 2019. SILKNOWViz: Spatio-temporal data ontology viewer. International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS). CORE A
  6. Alba, E. ; Pitarch, M.D; Sebastian, J.; Arnandis, R.; Portalés, C.; Gaitán, M., 2019. Innovación social en patrimonio cultural y museos de la seda en Europa: una mirada conectada con las industrias creativas. In. Boix, R. International Conference on Regional Science. Hacia un modelo económico más social y sostenible. Asociación Española de Ciencia Regional, Valencia.
  7. Alba, E; Gaitán, M; Portalés, C.; Sebastián, J. (2018). SILKNOW, Helping bridge the digital gap for small and medium-sized textile museums. In. Lethuillier, J.P. Fashion and clothing in European museums collection, exhibition and research. Université Rennes2, Strasbourg.
  8. Gimeno, J., Casas, S., Portalés, C. & Fernández, M., 2018. Addressing the occlusion problem in augmented reality environments with phantom hollow objects. International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR). CORE A*.
  9. García-Pereira, I., Gimeno, J., Pérez, M., Portalés, C. & Casas, S., 2018. MIME: a mixed-space collaborative system with three immersion levels and multiple users. International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR). CORE A*.
  10. García-Pereira, I., Gimeno, J., Portalés, C., Vidal-González, M. & Morillo, P. (2018). On the Design of a Mixed-Reality Annotations Tool for the Inspection of Pre-fab Buildings. CEIG - Spanish Computer Graphics Conference, 75-78.
  11. Vera, L., Gimeno, J., Casas, S., García-Pereira, I., Portalés, C. (2017). A Hybrid Virtual-Augmented Serious Game to Improve Driving Safety Awareness. International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (ACE'07). London, UK. CORE B
  12. Casas, S., Portalés, C., Coma, I., Fernández, M. (2017). Applying Particle Swarm Optimization to the Motion-Cueing-Algorithm Tuning Problem. GECCO - Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. CORE A
  13. Casas, S., Portalés, C., Vidal-González, M., García-Pereira, I., & Fernández, M. (2016). ROMOT: a Robotic 3D-Movie Theater Allowing Interaction and Multimodal Experiences. Paper presented at the Love and Sex with Robots, London (UK). - Citing as: Casas S., Portalés C., Vidal-González M., García-Pereira I., Fernández M. (2017) ROMOT: A Robotic 3D-Movie Theater Allowing Interaction and Multimodal Experiences. In: Cheok A., Devlin K., Levy D. (eds) Love and Sex with Robots. LSR 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10237. Springer, Cham.
  14. Portalés, C., Alonso-Monasterio, P., Viñals, M.J. (2016). A new methodology for the 3D photorealistic virtual reconstruction of the archaeological site "Castellet de Bernabé" (Llíria, Spain). ARQUEOLÓGICA 2.0 - 8º Congreso Internacional, Documentación 3D avanzada, modelado y reconstrucción de objetos patrimoniales, monumentos y sitios
  15. Papadakis, V., Groves, R., Tornari, V., Portalés, C., Berreman, A., Vermeiren, J., Ward, J., Ribes-Gómez, E., Deterioration estimation of artworks by means of a novel 3D-hyperspectral imaging system. In Technart, Catania, 2015; p 1.
  16. Papadakis, V., Groves, R. M., Ribes-Gómez, E., Tornari, V., Portalés, C., et al., 2014. A novel 3D-hyperspectral imaging device for artwork inspection and deterioration estimation – the SYDDARTA project. Hyperspectral Imaging & Applications (HSI), Ricoh Arena Coventry, UK.
  17. Portalés, C., Morillo, P., & Orduña, J. M. (2014, 3–7July). Towards an Improved Method of Dense 3D Object Reconstruction in Structured Light Scanning. Paper presented at the International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering.
  18. Groves, R. M., Portalés, C., & Ribes-Gómez, E. (2014, 26-28 May). Assessment of Mechanical and Chemical Deterioration of Artworks. Paper presented at the International Conference on Ageing of Materials & Structures (AMS), Delft, The Netherlands.
  19. Granero-Montagud, L., C. Portalés, et al., 2013. SYDDARTA: new methodology for digitization of deterioration estimation in paintings. SPIE - Optics for Arts, Architecture, and Archaeology IV.
  20. Granero-Montagud, L., C. Portalés, et al., 2013. Deterioration estimation of paintings by means of combined 3D and hyperspectral data analysis. SPIE - Optics for Arts, Architecture, and Archaeology IV.
  21. Portalés, C. and Perales, C.D., 2009. Sound and Movement Visualization in the AR-Jazz Scenario. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Entertainment Computing (ICEC). Paris, France, pp. 167-172. - Citing as: Portalés, C. and Perales, C.D., 2009. Sound and Movement Visualization in the AR-Jazz Scenario. Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 5709. CORE C
  22. Cabrelles, M.; Seguí, A. E.; Navarro, S.; Galcerá, S.; Portalés, C.; Lerma, J. L. In 3D Photorealistic modelling of stone monuments by dense image matching. , International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Commission V Symposium, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK., 2010; Newcastle upon Tyne, UK., 2010; pp 121-124.
  23. Perales, C.D., Portalés, C. and Sanmartín, F., 2009. Sonic Gestures Applied to a Percussive Dialogue in TanGram using Wii Remotes. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Entertainment Computing (ICEC). Paris, France, pp. 216-221. - Citing as: Perales, C.D., Portalés, C. and Sanmartín, F., 2009. Sonic Gestures Applied to a Percussive Dialogue in TanGram using Wii Remotes. Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 5709. CORE C
  24. Galcerá, S., Seguí, A.E., Portalés, C. and Lerma, J.L., 2009. Optimización de proyectos de vuelo en fotogrametría aérea, Semana Geomática Internacional. Globalgeo, Barcelona.
  25. Navarro, S., Seguí, A.E., Portalés, C., Lerma, J.L., Akasheh, T. and Haddad, N., 2009. Integration of TLS data and non-metric imagery to improve photo models and recording. A case study on Djin Block No. 9, Petra (Jordan). In: R. Sablatnig, M. Kampel and M. Lettner (Editors), 15th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM). IEEE Computer Society, Vienna, Austria, pp. 58-63. CORE B
  26. Boronat, N., C. Portalés, A. Balaguer and J. E. Pardo Pascual, 2008. Un nuevo método para el cálculo de precipitaciones medias mediante técnicas de interpolación geoestadística considerando las características geográficas y topográficas del territorio, Congreso International de Ingeniería Geomática y Topográfica. IX Congreso Nacional Top-Cart, 18-21 February, Valencia.
  27. Lerma, J. L., S. Navarro, M. Cabrelles and C. Portalés, 2008. Implementation of an architectonic GIS on a brickwork farmhouse, XXI ISPRS congress, 3-11 July, Beiging (China), XXXVII/B5, pp. 1013-1015.
  28. Giner Martínez, F. and C. Portalés Ricart, 2007. Augmented teaching, International Technology, Education and Developement Conference (INTED'07), Valencia (España), pp. 344 - 345.
  29. Portalés Ricart, C., 2007. Live LEGO House: an interactive space to explore coexistence through gaming, International Technology, Education and Developement Conference (INTED'07), Valencia (Spain), pp. 404 - 405.
  30. Portalés Ricart, C., 2007. The private city through the Hot Images, International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (ACE'07), Salzburg (Austria), 203, pp. 254 - 255. CORE B
  31. Portalés Ricart, C., C. D. Perales Cejudo and A. Cheok, 2007. Exploring Social, Cultural and Pedagogical Issues in AR-Gaming Through The Live LEGO House, International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (ACE'07), Salzburg (Austria), 203, pp. 238 - 239. CORE B
  32. Giner Martínez, F. and C. Portalés Ricart, 2005. The Augmented User: A Wearable Augmented Reality Interface, International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM'05) pp. 417 - 426. CORE B
  33. Giner Martínez, F. and C. Portalés Ricart, 2005. El Túnel Mágico, Nuevos materiales y tecnologías para el arte, Madrid (España), pp. 292 - 299.
  34. Mañas, M., F. Giner, J. Montesa, C. Portalés, J. Soler, M. Alcañiz, M. J. Martínez De Pisón and D. Díaz, 2005. Notbook AR, International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (ACE'05), Valencia (España), pp. 356 - 357. CORE B
  35. Portalés Ricart, C., F. Giner Martínez and F. Sanmartín Piquer, 2005. Back to the 70's, International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (ACE'05), Valencia (España), pp. 209 - 212. CORE B
  36. Portalés Ricart, C., F. Giner Martínez and F. Sanmartín Piquer, 2005. Urbanmix, Nuevos materiales y tecnologías para el arte, Madrid (España), pp. 417 - 423.
  37. Lerma García, J. L., C. Portalés Ricart and D. Germes, 2003. Documenting, Managing & Visualizing a Huge Digital Photogrammetric Data Set, XIX International Symposium of The ICCMOSS & ISPRS Committee for Documentation of Cultural Heritage (CIPA'03), pp. 737 - 741.

Publications in Other Journals

  1. Portalés, C.; Rodrigues, J.M.F.; Rodrigues Gonçalves, A.; Alba, E.; Sebastián, J. Digital Cultural Heritage. Multimodal Technologies Interact. 2018, 2, 58.
  2. Portalés, C.; Sebastián, J.; Alba, E.; Sevilla, J.; Gaitán, M.; Ruiz, P.; Fernández, M. Interactive Tools for the Preservation, Dissemination and Study of Silk Heritage—An Introduction to the SILKNOW Project. Multimodal Technologies Interact. 2018, 2, 28.
  3. Portalés, C. (2018). When Augmented Reality Met Art: Lessons Learned from Researcher–Artist Interdisciplinary Work. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 2(2), 17.
  4. Cruz-Neira, C., Fernández, M., & Portalés, C. (2018). Virtual Reality and Games. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 2, 8.
  5. Portalés, C., Casas, S., Coma, I., & Fernández, M. (2017). A Multi-Projector Calibration Method for Virtual Reality Simulators with Analytically Defined Screens. Journal of Imaging, 3(2), 19.
  6. Portalés, C., Alonso-Monasterio, P., & Viñals, M. J. (2017). 3D virtual reconstruction and visualisation of the archaeological site “Castellet de Bernabé” (Llíria, Spain). Virtual Archeaology Review, 8(16), 75-82.
  7. Portalés, C., Casas, S., Vidal-González, M., & Fernández, M. (2017). On the Use of ROMOT – a RObotized 3D-MOvie Theatre – to Enhance Romantic Movie Scenes. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction (Special Issue “Love and Sex with Robots”), 1(2), 7.
  8. Casas, S., Portalés, C., García-Pereira, I., Fernández, M. (2017). On a First Evaluation of ROMOT—A RObotic 3D MOvie Theatre—For Driving Safety Awareness. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction (Special Issue "Virtual Reality and Games"), 1(2), 6.
  9. Cheok, A., & Portalés Ricart, C. (2016). Welcome to MTI—A New Open Access Journal Dealing with Blue Sky Research and Future Trends in Multimodal Technologies and Interaction. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 1(1), 1.
  10. Portalés, C., Gimeno, J., Vera, L. and Fernández, M., 2015. Towards a Guidance System to Aid in the Dosimetry Calculation of Intraoperative Electron Radiation Therapy. Journal of Imaging, 1(1), 180-192; doi:10.3390/jimaging1010180.
  11. Seguí, A. E., Portalés, C., Cabrelles, M., & Lerma, J. L. (2012). Los Sistemas de Información Geográfica: concepto, ventajas y posibilidades en el campo de la restauración. LOGGIA: Arquitectura y Restauración, 24-25, 122-131.
  12. Seguí, A. E., Portalés, C., Cabrelles, M., & Lerma, J. L. (2012). Geographic Information Systems: concepts, advantages and possibilities in the field of restoration. LOGGIA: Arquitectura y Restauración, 24-25, 208-212.
  13. Portalés Ricart, C., 2007. Live LEGO House: a Mixed Reality Game for the Edutainment, Schottish Online Journal of E-Learning, 1(1): 19 - 28.
  14. Portalés Ricart, C. and J. L. Lerma García, 2003. Georreferenciación GPS/INS de Imágenes Aéreas Adquiridas con Escáneres Rotacionales: Ejemplo Práctico y Resultados, Topografía y Cartografía, XX: 4 - 9. PDF
  15. Portalés Ricart, C. and J. L. Lerma García, 2003. Sensores Hiperespectrales Aerotransportados: Eliminación del Efecto de Deriva, Mapping, 87: 14 - 18. PDF
  16. Portalés Ricart, C., 2002. Georeferencing of GPS/INS-supported airborne multispectral scanner data, Österreichische Zeitschrift für Vermessung und Geoinformation, 1: 27-27. PDF

Science Fiction Novels

    Look to my novels (in Spanish), published under pseudonym.

  1. Cristina Ballester Guillem. Hacedores. 2022. Link
  2. Cristina Ballester Guillem. La Roca Blanca. 2021. Link