Updated List of Publications
For an updated list of publications, go to my Google Scholar profile here
Publications in Indexed Journals (JCR)
- Portalés, C., Casanova-Salas, P., Sevilla, J., Sebastián, J., León, A., & Samper, J. J., 2022. Increasing Access to Cultural Heritage Objects from Multiple Museums through Semantically-Aware Maps. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 11(4).
- Molina, G., Gimeno, J., Portalés, C., & Casas, S., 2022. A comparative analysis of two immersive virtual reality systems in the integration and visualization of natural hand interaction. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 81(6), 7733-7758.
- Sevilla, J., Casanova-Salas, P., Casas, S. & Portalés, C., 2021. Multi-Purpose Ontology-Based Visualization of Spatio-Temporal Data: A Case Study on Silk Heritage, Applied Sciences, 11(4).
- Portalés, C., Pérez, M., Casanova-Salas, P. & Gimeno, J., 2021. Virtual Loom: a tool for the interactive 3D representation of historical fabrics, in Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1-26.
- Pérez, M., Casanova-Salas, P., Twardo, P., Twardo, P., León, A., Mladenic, D., Massri, B.M., Troncy, R., Ehrhart, T., Lo Cicero, G., Vitella, M., Gaitán, M., Gimeno, J., Ribes, E., Fernández, M., Portalés, C., 2021. From Historical Silk Fabrics to Their Interactive Virtual Representation and 3D Printing, Sustainability, 12(18).
- Benavent, X., de Ves, E., Forte, A., Botella-Mascarell, C., López-Iñesta, E., Rueda, S., Roger, S., Perez, J., Portalés, C., Dura, E., García-Costa, D. & Marzal, P., 2020. Girls4STEM: Gender Diversity in STEM for a Sustainable Future. Sustainability, 12, 6051.
- Gaitán, M., Portalés, C., Sevilla, J., & Alba, E., 2020. Applying Axial Symmetries to Historical Silk Fabrics: SILKNOW’s Virtual Loom. Symmetry, 12(5), 742.
- Casas-Yrurzum, S., Portalés-Ricart, C., Morillo-Tena, P. and Cruz-Neira, C., 2020. On the Objective Evaluation of Motion Cueing in Vehicle Simulations, in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
- García-Pereira, I., Portalés, C., Gimeno, J. & Casas, S., 2020. A collaborative augmented reality annotation tool for the inspection of prefabricated buildings. Multimedia Tools and Applications 79, 6483–6501.
- Casas, S., Portalés, C., Morillo, P. & Fernández, M. 2020. To Move or Not to Move? Analyzing Motion Cueing in Vehicle Simulators by Means of Massive Simulations. Virtual Reality.
- Portalés, C., Casanova-Salas, P., Casas, S., Gimeno, J. & Fernández, M. 2019. An Interactive Cameraless Projector Calibration Method. Virtual Reality.
- Gimeno, J., Casas, S., Portalés, C. & Frenández, M. 2019. Un nuevo sistema de Realidad Aumentada para la supervisión in situ de maquinaria con sistema SCADA. Revista DYNA.
- Boj, C., Díaz, D.J., Portalés, C. & Casas, S., 2018. Video Games and Outdoor Physical Activity for the Elderly: Applications of the HybridPLAY Technology. Applied Sciences 8(10), 1912.
- Casas, S., Portalés, C., Gimeno, J. & Fernández, M. 2018. Simulation of parallel mechanisms for motion cueing generation in vehicle simulators using AM-FM bi-modulated signals. Mechatronics, 53, 251-261.
- Portalés, C., Orduña, J.M., Morillo, P. & Gimeno, J. 2018. An efficient projector calibration method for projecting virtual reality on cylindrical surfaces. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1-15.
- Portalés, C., Casas, S., Gimeno, S., Fernández, M. & Poza, M., 2018. From the Paper to the Tablet: On the Design of an AR-Based Tool for the Inspection of Pre-Fab Buildings. Preliminary Results of the SIRAE Project. Sensors, 18(4), 1262.
- Casas, S., Portalés, C., Morillo, P. & Fernández, M., 2018. A Particle Swarm Approach for Tuning Washout Algorithms in Vehicle Simulators. Applied Soft Computing, 68, 125-135.
- Gimeno, J., Portalés, C., Coma, I., Fernández, M., & Martínez, B., 2017. Combining Traditional and Indirect Augmented Reality for Indoor Crowded Environments. A Case Study on the Casa Batlló Museum. Computers & Graphics, 69, 92-103.
- Casas, S., Portalés, C., Rueda, S., & Fernández, M., 2017. Simulación de Plataformas Robóticas de Movimiento para Aplicaciones de Realidad Virtual Mediante Filtros Digitales. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial (RIAI), 14(4), 455-466.
- Casas, S., Coma, I., Portalés, C., & Fernández, M., 2017. Optimization of 3-DOF parallel motion devices for low-cost vehicle simulators. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing, 11(2), JAMDSM0023-JAMDSM0023. doi:10.1299/jamdsm.2017jamdsm0023.
- Casas, S., Portalés, C., Riera, J.V. & Fernández, M., 2016. Heurísticas para el Ajuste de Algoritmos de Control de Plataformas Robóticas de Movimiento en Simuladores. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial, (14)2, 193-204.
- Casas, S., Coma, I., Portalés, C. & Fernández, M., 2016. Towards a simulation-based tuning of motion cueing algorithms. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 67, 137-154.
- Díaz, D., Boj, C., & Portalés, C., 2016. HybridPLAY: A New Technology to Foster Outdoors Physical Activity, Verbal Communication and Teamwork. Sensors, 16(4), 586.
- Portalés, C., Ribes, E., Pastor, B. and Gutiérrez, A., 2015. Calibration of a camera-projector monochromatic system. The Photogrammetric Record 30(149): 82-89.
- Portalés, C., Ribes-Gómez, E., 2015. An image-based system to preliminary assess the quality of grape harvest batches on arrival at the winery. Computers in Industry 68: 105-115.
- Portalés, C., Orduña, J.M. and Morillo, P., 2015. Parallelization of a method for dense 3D object reconstruction in structured light scanning. The Journal of Supercomputing 71: 1857-1868.
- Lerma, J. L., Cabrelles, M. and Portales, C., 2011. Multitemporal thermal analysis to detect moisture on a building façade. Construction and Building Materials 25(5): 2190-2197.
- Portalés, C., M. J. Viñals, et al., 2010. AR-Immersive Cinema at the Aula Natura Visitors Center. IEEE MultiMedia 17(4): 8-15.
- Portalés, C., J. L. Lerma, et al., 2010. Augmented reality and photogrammetry: A synergy to visualize physical and virtual city environments. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 65(1): 134-142.
- Portalés, C., Boronat, N. Pardo-Pascual, J. E. and Balaguer-Beser, A., 2010. Seasonal precipitation interpolation at the Valencia region with multivariate methods using geographic and topographic information. International Journal of Climatology 30(10): 1547-1563.
- Portalés, C., J. L. Lerma, et al., 2009. Photogrammetry and augmented reality for cultural heritage applications. The Photogrammetric Record 24(128): 316-331.
- Seguí, A.E., Lerma, J.L., Navarro, S. and Portalés, C., 2009. On-the-fly server-based aerial imagery management system. The Photogrammetric Record 24(127): 280-294.
- Lerma García, J. L., J. Vidal and C. Portalés Ricart, 2004. Three-Dimensional City Model Visualisation for Real-Time Guided Museum Tours, The Photogrammetric Record, 19(108): 360-374.
Monographs, Books & Book Chapters
- Portalés, C., Casas, S., Vera, L. & Sevilla, J., 2020. Current Trends on the Acquisition, Virtual Representation, and Interaction of Cultural Heritage: Exploring Virtual and Augmented Reality and Serious Games, In Recent Advances in 3D Imaging, Modeling and Reconstruction
- Casas, S., Gimeno, J., Casanova-Salas, P., Riera, J.V. & Portalés, C., 2020. Virtual and Augmented Reality for the Visualization of Summarized Information in Smart Cities: A Use Case for the City of Dubai. In Smart Systems Design, Applications, and Challenges.
- Gimeno, J., Casas, S., Portalés C., 2018. A Mobile Augmented Reality System for Enhancing Electrical Machine Supervision. In Advanced Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis of Electric Machines
- García-Pereira, I., Vera, L., Pérez Aixendri, M., Portalés, C. & Casas, S., 2020. Multisensory Experiences in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Interaction Paradigms. In Smart Systems Design, Applications, and Challenges.
- García-Pereira, I., Portalés, C., Casas, S., Vidal-González, M. & Gimeno, J., 2019. Augmented Reality-Based Training Systems for Teaching Health and Safety Procedures in Construction. In Emerging Technologies in Virtual Learning Environments.
- Casas, S., Portalés, C., & Fernández, M., 2019. To Move or Not to Move?: The Challenge of Including Believable Self-Motion Cues in Virtual Reality Applications–Understanding Motion Cueing Generation in Virtual Reality. In Cases on Immersive Virtual Reality Techniques (pp. 124-144).
- Casas, S., Portalés, C., Vera, L., Riera, J.V. 2018. On the Use of Virtual and Augmented Mirrors for Mental Health Treatment. In Virtual and Augmented Reality in Mental Health Treatment
- Portalés, C., Casas, S., Kreuzer, K. 2018. Challenges and Trends in Home Automation. Addressing the Interoperatibility Problem with the Open-source Platform OpenHAB. In Harnessing the Internet of Everything (IoE) for Accelerated Innovation Opportunities
- Casas, S., Portalés, C., García-Pereira, I., Gimeno, J. 2019. Mixing Different Realities in a Single Shared Space. Analysis of Mixed-Platform Collaborative Shared Spaces. In Harnessing the Internet of Everything (IoE) for Accelerated Innovation Opportunities
- Portalés, C., Casas, S., Vera, L., & Sevilla, J., 2020. Current Trends on the Acquisition, Virtual Representation and Interaction of Cultural Heritage: Exploring Virtual and Augmented Reality, and Serious Games. In S. P. RM & N. S. Kumar (Eds.), Emerging Trends in 3D Image Reconstruction and Modeling: IGI-Global. Under Review.
- Herrera, G., Vera, L., Sevilla, J., Portalés, C., & Casas, S., 2017. On the development of VR and AR learning contents for Children on the Autism Spectrum: From real requirements to virtual scenarios. In G. R. Ruiz & M. H. Hernández (Eds.), Augmented Reality for Enhanced Learning Environments. Under Review.
- Cristina Portalés, Sergio Casas, Pau Alonso-Monasterio and María José Viñals, 2017. Multi-Dimensional Acquisition, Representation and Interaction of Cultural Heritage Tangible Assets. An Insight on Tourism Applications. Book: Technological Developments for Cultural Heritage and eTourism Applications. IGI-Global. (In Press).
- Cristina Portalés, Jesús Gimeno, Sergio Casas, Ricardo Olanda and Francisco Giner, 2016. Interacting with Augmented Reality Mirrors. Chapter 9, pp. 216-244. Book: Handbook of Research on Human-Computer Interfaces, Developments, and Applications. Editors: João Rodrigues, Pedro Cardoso, Jânio Monteiro and Mauro Figueiredo. IGI-Global.
- Cristina Portalés, 2014. Augmented Mirrors for entertainment and edutainment. Ed.: Bubok Publishing S.L. 60 p. ISBN (paper): 978-84-686-6064-6; ISBN (digital): 978-84-686-6065-3.
- Cristina Portalés, 2009. Entornos multimedia de realidad aumentada en el campo del arte. Ed.: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. 508 p. ISBN: 978-84-692-1663-7.
- M. J. Martínez De Pisón, F. Sanmartín, A. Carbonell, D. Furió, S. Cuesta, L. Rodríguez, C. Portalés, M. Mañas, F. Giner, T. Gracia, L. Silvestre, C. Garcia, and D. Piqueras, 2006. Especulaciones a un Tiempo. Ed.: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. 90 p. ISBN: 84-7721-328-3.
- Cristina Portalés, 2006. Existe un Univserso Reflejo si y sólo si el Universo es igual a la Intersección entre las Personas con la Unión de las Dimensiones Espacio y Tiempo. Laboratorio de Luz. Especulaciones a un Tiempo. Ed.: Consejería de Educación y Cultura. Centro Párraga. 97-110. ISBN: 978-84-606-3911-4.
Collaboration in academic books
- Ángel Balaguer Beser, 2006. Prácticas de Ecuaciones Diferenciales con Mathematica. Aplicaciones (Type of collaobration: Examples of the book).
- Karl Kraus, 2001. Photogrammetry, Volume 1. Fundamentals and Standard Processes (Type of collaobration: Examples of the book).
Academic works
- Cristina Portalés, 2008. Entornos Multimedia de Realidad Aumentada en el Campo del Arte PDF. Doctoral Thesis. Supervisors: María José Martínez de Pisón Ramón & José Luís Lerma. Department of Painting, Fine Arts School (UPV).
- Cristina Portalés , 2006. Live LEGO House v-1.0. Technical report. Supervisor: Adrian David Cheok.
Mixed Reality Lab (National University of Sinagpore). - Cristina Portalés, 2004. Geostatistical approaches for the rainfall interpolation in the Comunidad Valenciana (Spain). PDF. Research work for “Diploma de Estudios Avanzados”. Supervisors: Josep Pardo Pascual & Angel Balaguer Beser. Dpto. de Ingeniería Cartográfica Geodesia y Fotogrametría (UPV).
- Cristina Portalés, 2002. Georeferencing of GPS/INS-Supported Airborne Multispectral Scanner Data. PDF. Diploma Thesis "Master on Surveying and Geoinformation". Supervisors: Prof. Karl Kraus & Dr. Christine Ries. Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (TU-WIEN).
- Cristina Portalés & Teresa Alós, 2000. Creation of a 3D Photo-Model. PDF. Final Year Project in Topography. Supervisor: Franz Rottensteiner. Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (TU-WIEN).
Conference Proceedings and Posters
- Pérez, M.; Casanova, P.; Portalés, C.; Gimeno, J. Virtual Loom, from Historical Fabrics to Interactive 3D Models. In: Montagud, Mario; Cesar, Pablo; Fernández, Sergi; Garcia-Pineda, Miguel; Gutiérrez, Jesús; Cernigliaro, Gianluca; et al. (2020): Adjunct Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences (IMX) 2020.
- Alba Pagán, E., Fernández, M., Gaitán, M., León, A., Portalés, C., Sebastián, J. and Sevilla, J., 2019. Techonological tools for the conservation of silk Heritage: Improving the conservation of European religious textile cultural Heritage. ESRARC 2019 11th European on Religious Art, Restoration and Conservation, p. 150-156.
- Gaitán, M., Alba, E., León, A., Pérez, M., Sevilla, J., & Portalés, C., 2019. Towards the Preservation and Dissemination of Historical Silk Weaving Techniques in the Digital Era. Heritage, 2(3), 1892-1911.
- Portalés, C., Sevilla, J., Pérez, M. & León, A., 2019. A Proposal to Model Ancient Silk Weaving Techniques and Extracting Information from Digital Imagery - Ongoing Results of the SILKNOW Project. International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS). CORE A
- Sevilla, J., Portalés, C., Gimeno, J. and Sebastián, J. , 2019. SILKNOWViz: Spatio-temporal data ontology viewer. International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS). CORE A
- Alba, E. ; Pitarch, M.D; Sebastian, J.; Arnandis, R.; Portalés, C.; Gaitán, M., 2019. Innovación social en patrimonio cultural y museos de la seda en Europa: una mirada conectada con las industrias creativas. In. Boix, R. International Conference on Regional Science. Hacia un modelo económico más social y sostenible. Asociación Española de Ciencia Regional, Valencia.
- Alba, E; Gaitán, M; Portalés, C.; Sebastián, J. (2018). SILKNOW, Helping bridge the digital gap for small and medium-sized textile museums. In. Lethuillier, J.P. Fashion and clothing in European museums collection, exhibition and research. Université Rennes2, Strasbourg.
- Gimeno, J., Casas, S., Portalés, C. & Fernández, M., 2018. Addressing the occlusion problem in augmented reality environments with phantom hollow objects. International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR). CORE A*.
- García-Pereira, I., Gimeno, J., Pérez, M., Portalés, C. & Casas, S., 2018. MIME: a mixed-space collaborative system with three immersion levels and multiple users. International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR). CORE A*.
- García-Pereira, I., Gimeno, J., Portalés, C., Vidal-González, M. & Morillo, P. (2018). On the Design of a Mixed-Reality Annotations Tool for the Inspection of Pre-fab Buildings. CEIG - Spanish Computer Graphics Conference, 75-78.
- Vera, L., Gimeno, J., Casas, S., García-Pereira, I., Portalés, C. (2017). A Hybrid Virtual-Augmented Serious Game to Improve Driving Safety Awareness. International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (ACE'07). London, UK. CORE B
- Casas, S., Portalés, C., Coma, I., Fernández, M. (2017). Applying Particle Swarm Optimization to the Motion-Cueing-Algorithm Tuning Problem. GECCO - Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. CORE A
- Casas, S., Portalés, C., Vidal-González, M., García-Pereira, I., & Fernández, M. (2016). ROMOT: a Robotic 3D-Movie Theater Allowing Interaction and Multimodal Experiences. Paper presented at the Love and Sex with Robots, London (UK). - Citing as: Casas S., Portalés C., Vidal-González M., García-Pereira I., Fernández M. (2017) ROMOT: A Robotic 3D-Movie Theater Allowing Interaction and Multimodal Experiences. In: Cheok A., Devlin K., Levy D. (eds) Love and Sex with Robots. LSR 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10237. Springer, Cham.
- Portalés, C., Alonso-Monasterio, P., Viñals, M.J. (2016). A new methodology for the 3D photorealistic virtual reconstruction of the archaeological site "Castellet de Bernabé" (Llíria, Spain). ARQUEOLÓGICA 2.0 - 8º Congreso Internacional, Documentación 3D avanzada, modelado y reconstrucción de objetos patrimoniales, monumentos y sitios
- Papadakis, V., Groves, R., Tornari, V., Portalés, C., Berreman, A., Vermeiren, J., Ward, J., Ribes-Gómez, E., Deterioration estimation of artworks by means of a novel 3D-hyperspectral imaging system. In Technart, Catania, 2015; p 1.
- Papadakis, V., Groves, R. M., Ribes-Gómez, E., Tornari, V., Portalés, C., et al., 2014. A novel 3D-hyperspectral imaging device for artwork inspection and deterioration estimation – the SYDDARTA project. Hyperspectral Imaging & Applications (HSI), Ricoh Arena Coventry, UK.
- Portalés, C., Morillo, P., & Orduña, J. M. (2014, 3–7July). Towards an Improved Method of Dense 3D Object Reconstruction in Structured Light Scanning. Paper presented at the International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering.
- Groves, R. M., Portalés, C., & Ribes-Gómez, E. (2014, 26-28 May). Assessment of Mechanical and Chemical Deterioration of Artworks. Paper presented at the International Conference on Ageing of Materials & Structures (AMS), Delft, The Netherlands.
- Granero-Montagud, L., C. Portalés, et al., 2013. SYDDARTA: new methodology for digitization of deterioration estimation in paintings. SPIE - Optics for Arts, Architecture, and Archaeology IV.
- Granero-Montagud, L., C. Portalés, et al., 2013. Deterioration estimation of paintings by means of combined 3D and hyperspectral data analysis. SPIE - Optics for Arts, Architecture, and Archaeology IV.
- Portalés, C. and Perales, C.D., 2009. Sound and Movement Visualization in the AR-Jazz Scenario. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Entertainment Computing (ICEC). Paris, France, pp. 167-172. - Citing as: Portalés, C. and Perales, C.D., 2009. Sound and Movement Visualization in the AR-Jazz Scenario. Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 5709. CORE C
- Cabrelles, M.; Seguí, A. E.; Navarro, S.; Galcerá, S.; Portalés, C.; Lerma, J. L. In 3D Photorealistic modelling of stone monuments by dense image matching. , International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Commission V Symposium, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK., 2010; Newcastle upon Tyne, UK., 2010; pp 121-124.
- Perales, C.D., Portalés, C. and Sanmartín, F., 2009. Sonic Gestures Applied to a Percussive Dialogue in TanGram using Wii Remotes. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Entertainment Computing (ICEC). Paris, France, pp. 216-221. - Citing as: Perales, C.D., Portalés, C. and Sanmartín, F., 2009. Sonic Gestures Applied to a Percussive Dialogue in TanGram using Wii Remotes. Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 5709. CORE C
- Galcerá, S., Seguí, A.E., Portalés, C. and Lerma, J.L., 2009. Optimización de proyectos de vuelo en fotogrametría aérea, Semana Geomática Internacional. Globalgeo, Barcelona.
- Navarro, S., Seguí, A.E., Portalés, C., Lerma, J.L., Akasheh, T. and Haddad, N., 2009. Integration of TLS data and non-metric imagery to improve photo models and recording. A case study on Djin Block No. 9, Petra (Jordan). In: R. Sablatnig, M. Kampel and M. Lettner (Editors), 15th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM). IEEE Computer Society, Vienna, Austria, pp. 58-63. CORE B
- Boronat, N., C. Portalés, A. Balaguer and J. E. Pardo Pascual, 2008. Un nuevo método para el cálculo de precipitaciones medias mediante técnicas de interpolación geoestadística considerando las características geográficas y topográficas del territorio, Congreso International de Ingeniería Geomática y Topográfica. IX Congreso Nacional Top-Cart, 18-21 February, Valencia.
- Lerma, J. L., S. Navarro, M. Cabrelles and C. Portalés, 2008. Implementation of an architectonic GIS on a brickwork farmhouse, XXI ISPRS congress, 3-11 July, Beiging (China), XXXVII/B5, pp. 1013-1015.
- Giner Martínez, F. and C. Portalés Ricart, 2007. Augmented teaching, International Technology, Education and Developement Conference (INTED'07), Valencia (España), pp. 344 - 345.
- Portalés Ricart, C., 2007. Live LEGO House: an interactive space to explore coexistence through gaming, International Technology, Education and Developement Conference (INTED'07), Valencia (Spain), pp. 404 - 405.
- Portalés Ricart, C., 2007. The private city through the Hot Images, International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (ACE'07), Salzburg (Austria), 203, pp. 254 - 255. CORE B
- Portalés Ricart, C., C. D. Perales Cejudo and A. Cheok, 2007. Exploring Social, Cultural and Pedagogical Issues in AR-Gaming Through The Live LEGO House, International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (ACE'07), Salzburg (Austria), 203, pp. 238 - 239. CORE B
- Giner Martínez, F. and C. Portalés Ricart, 2005. The Augmented User: A Wearable Augmented Reality Interface, International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM'05) pp. 417 - 426. CORE B
- Giner Martínez, F. and C. Portalés Ricart, 2005. El Túnel Mágico, Nuevos materiales y tecnologías para el arte, Madrid (España), pp. 292 - 299.
- Mañas, M., F. Giner, J. Montesa, C. Portalés, J. Soler, M. Alcañiz, M. J. Martínez De Pisón and D. Díaz, 2005. Notbook AR, International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (ACE'05), Valencia (España), pp. 356 - 357. CORE B
- Portalés Ricart, C., F. Giner Martínez and F. Sanmartín Piquer, 2005. Back to the 70's, International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (ACE'05), Valencia (España), pp. 209 - 212. CORE B
- Portalés Ricart, C., F. Giner Martínez and F. Sanmartín Piquer, 2005. Urbanmix, Nuevos materiales y tecnologías para el arte, Madrid (España), pp. 417 - 423.
- Lerma García, J. L., C. Portalés Ricart and D. Germes, 2003. Documenting, Managing & Visualizing a Huge Digital Photogrammetric Data Set, XIX International Symposium of The ICCMOSS & ISPRS Committee for Documentation of Cultural Heritage (CIPA'03), pp. 737 - 741.
Publications in Other Journals
- Portalés, C.; Rodrigues, J.M.F.; Rodrigues Gonçalves, A.; Alba, E.; Sebastián, J. Digital Cultural Heritage. Multimodal Technologies Interact. 2018, 2, 58.
- Portalés, C.; Sebastián, J.; Alba, E.; Sevilla, J.; Gaitán, M.; Ruiz, P.; Fernández, M. Interactive Tools for the Preservation, Dissemination and Study of Silk Heritage—An Introduction to the SILKNOW Project. Multimodal Technologies Interact. 2018, 2, 28.
- Portalés, C. (2018). When Augmented Reality Met Art: Lessons Learned from Researcher–Artist Interdisciplinary Work. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 2(2), 17.
- Cruz-Neira, C., Fernández, M., & Portalés, C. (2018). Virtual Reality and Games. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 2, 8.
- Portalés, C., Casas, S., Coma, I., & Fernández, M. (2017). A Multi-Projector Calibration Method for Virtual Reality Simulators with Analytically Defined Screens. Journal of Imaging, 3(2), 19.
- Portalés, C., Alonso-Monasterio, P., & Viñals, M. J. (2017). 3D virtual reconstruction and visualisation of the archaeological site “Castellet de Bernabé” (Llíria, Spain). Virtual Archeaology Review, 8(16), 75-82.
- Portalés, C., Casas, S., Vidal-González, M., & Fernández, M. (2017). On the Use of ROMOT – a RObotized 3D-MOvie Theatre – to Enhance Romantic Movie Scenes. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction (Special Issue “Love and Sex with Robots”), 1(2), 7.
- Casas, S., Portalés, C., García-Pereira, I., Fernández, M. (2017). On a First Evaluation of ROMOT—A RObotic 3D MOvie Theatre—For Driving Safety Awareness. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction (Special Issue "Virtual Reality and Games"), 1(2), 6.
- Cheok, A., & Portalés Ricart, C. (2016). Welcome to MTI—A New Open Access Journal Dealing with Blue Sky Research and Future Trends in Multimodal Technologies and Interaction. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 1(1), 1.
- Portalés, C., Gimeno, J., Vera, L. and Fernández, M., 2015. Towards a Guidance System to Aid in the Dosimetry Calculation of Intraoperative Electron Radiation Therapy. Journal of Imaging, 1(1), 180-192; doi:10.3390/jimaging1010180.
- Seguí, A. E., Portalés, C., Cabrelles, M., & Lerma, J. L. (2012). Los Sistemas de Información Geográfica: concepto, ventajas y posibilidades en el campo de la restauración. LOGGIA: Arquitectura y Restauración, 24-25, 122-131.
- Seguí, A. E., Portalés, C., Cabrelles, M., & Lerma, J. L. (2012). Geographic Information Systems: concepts, advantages and possibilities in the field of restoration. LOGGIA: Arquitectura y Restauración, 24-25, 208-212.
- Portalés Ricart, C., 2007. Live LEGO House: a Mixed Reality Game for the Edutainment, Schottish Online Journal of E-Learning, 1(1): 19 - 28.
- Portalés Ricart, C. and J. L. Lerma García, 2003. Georreferenciación GPS/INS de Imágenes Aéreas Adquiridas con Escáneres Rotacionales: Ejemplo Práctico y Resultados, Topografía y Cartografía, XX: 4 - 9. PDF
- Portalés Ricart, C. and J. L. Lerma García, 2003. Sensores Hiperespectrales Aerotransportados: Eliminación del Efecto de Deriva, Mapping, 87: 14 - 18. PDF
- Portalés Ricart, C., 2002. Georeferencing of GPS/INS-supported airborne multispectral scanner data, Österreichische Zeitschrift für Vermessung und Geoinformation, 1: 27-27. PDF
Science Fiction Novels
- Cristina Ballester Guillem. Hacedores. 2022. Link
- Cristina Ballester Guillem. La Roca Blanca. 2021. Link
Look to my novels (in Spanish), published under pseudonym.